Loving Stripes
“She remembered who she was and the game changed” -Lalah Deliah-
Not knowing who you are is a very dangerous place to be. It can cause you to go into dark places because you allow the words of others to pierce through your core. You begin to believe the lies that were planted in your mind as a little girl and loose sight of how amazing you are. On the flip side when you are confident in who you are & know who’s you are, CAN’T NOBODY tell you nothing. You become immune to negativity, passionate to what you love, you make things happen out of nothing, and you slowly but surely gain this unexplainable GODFIDENCE oh my bad 🙊 confidence. You CHANGE the game!!! What was meant to harm you couldn’t keep you down, it couldn’t stop you! And you know how I know it couldn’t have stopped you? CAUSE YOU’RE STILL HERE!!!! Woman thou art loose!!!! Stand up & Stand firm!!! Your family is counting on you & the world is waiting to hear from you. YOU GOT THIS!!!!
Top: Target
Pants: Rainbow clothing store ($7)
Shirt dress: Forever21
Hat: Forever21